Monday, August 2, 2010

Attack of the Cicada Killer

The cicada killer is a fearsome looking insect who burrows underground and seeks to paralyze the growing  cicadas. Below is a cicada whose loud ssshhhooosssshiinngg has been quieted, as the ants come to pay their respects.


  1. Yeah, I guess ants do pay respects. I like that thought :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  2. Your welcome Tabitha. It was a lovely post.

  3. I didn't know cicada's had predators this was very interesting...thank you for sharing. I love learning new and interesting things! )o(

  4. ~always fascinating to me to see such little insects...fearless one are you to get so close! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  5. Looks like an accident zone in insect land. And, yes, ants do pay respect.

  6. I once has an exterminator visit to safely remove a hornets nest from my porch... no chemicals allowed. He told me that I should work in the field as I have no fear of insects." Perish the thought" I said, "I love all the little insects and their kooky ways." I know prospective buyers would not share my beliefs, though. Blessed be!
